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2. FPAC tools

FPAC distribution includes a set of tools. Hereafter is a brief description of each of them.

2.1 fpad

fpad is the main piece of code. It makes the interface between AX25 (and other protocols) and ROSE. It allows connections from ax25 users to the network and vice-versa in pseudo-digipeating mode, this is without first connecting a node application.

FPAC will give some information on the link setup and will report any incident.

Example of connection via fpad :

Cmd: C F6FBB-1 via F6FBB-8

*** Connected to f6fbb-1
*** WP routing F6FBB-1 @ 2080,931502
*** Connection done
Hello Jean-Paul >
*** Disconnected from F6FBB-1 at F6FBB-11 @ 2080,931502
*** 0000 - Remote Station cleared connection
*** Disconnected

FPAC includes a white pages system which records the address of each node and user of the network. This information is also distributed to every other FPAC system in the network. This allows to connect any known callsign without giving any node or routing information.

2.2 fpacnode

fpacnode acts like the linuxnode. Many parts of the code have been taken from linuxnode. Some additions have been made for the ROSE protocol.

fpacnode makes the interface to ax25/netrom/rose and tcpip networking. It also reports informations and statistics on the system.

fpacnode has a built-in set of commands. They can be disabled or new commands may be easily added. A second set of commands is added after the SYS (sysop) command is successfull.

Password to change to sys mode is either plain text, netrom or MD2/MD5 keys.

Here are some examples of the node commands :

*** Connection done
Hello, you are on the FPAC-linux switch F6FBB-10
located in Roquettes, 15 Km south Toulouse, JN03QL.

FPAC-Node v 3.09 (F6FBB - Sep 22 1998) for LINUX (help = h)

F6FBB-10 (Commands = ?) : ?
?, Alias, Bye, Connect, CONVers, Help, Info, Links, Mheard, Nodes, 
Ports, Routes, STat, Status, SYSop, Telnet, Users, Wp

F6FBB-10 (Commands = ?) : 

A command gives the list of aliases. An alias allow to connect any callsign (even remote) using a local callsign. For instance callsign F6FBB-3 will route to the cluster F6KRQ-3 through the network. Aliases may be also directly connected by the user without using fpacnode.

F6FBB-10 (Commands = ?) : A
 F6FBB-3   : F6KRQ-3 931501

L command gives the list of L3 links (trunks)

F6FBB-10 (Commands = ?) : L
Callsign  Port   Description
F6BEX-9   0      (F6BEX-9) UHF  9600 Bds Full Duplex
F5JTU-9   3      (F5JTU-9) UHF  2400 Bds Full Duplex
F6FBB-9   5      (F6FBB-9) Ethernet axip Full Duplex

M command gives a list of the last 20 heard stations. Giving a port as first argument will list the stations only for this port.

F6FBB-10 (Commands = ?) : M
Last 20 Heard list for all ports :
Callsign  Port   Pkts-rcvd Mode Time ago
F6FBB-14  5      357       AX25 00s
F5OYA-1   1      12184     AX25 16s
F6BEX-9   0      961440    FPAC 19s
F5JTU-9   3      905412    FPAC 20s
F1AMY-7   1      60        AX25 33s
F1BIS-1   1      247       AX25 44s
F5NXI     1      49        AX25 01m 15s
F6FBB-9   5      77        FPAC 01m 30s
F1AMY     1      14        AX25 04m 15s
F5OYA     1      85        AX25 05m 15s
FA1ANP    1      37        AX25 05m 17s
F1BIS     1      10        AX25 06m 32s
F6GZM     1      233       AX25 15m 28s
F5PRP     1      91        AX25 15m 29s
F5UFI-1   1      92        AX25 16m 11s
F5GNY-5   1      267       AX25 17m 58s
FA1CKT-1  1      37        AX25 19m 49s
F5GNY     1      17        AX25 20m 03s
F5NUF     1      5659      AX25 20m 23s
F5UFI     1      22        AX25 21m 29s

N command gives the list of known NETROM nodes and FPAC switches. A list of callsigns may be given as argument, or a star giving long format dump.

F6FBB-10 (Commands = ?) : N
FPAC Nodes:
  F5FVC-8 2080,982501    F5JTU-8 2080,909501    F5KBQ-5 2080,981501 
  F6BEX-8 2080,931501   F6FBB-10 2080,931502    F6FBB-8 2080,931503 
  F6GGY-7 2080,847502    F6GGY-8 2080,847501    F6HRW-8 2080,847503 
   F8BK-8 2080,981502  

NetRom Nodes:
  #DEV:F6FBB-4  (255)    #BBS:F6FBB-6  (254)   JTU09:F5JTU-2  (192) 

F6FBB-10 (Commands = ?) : N F6GGY-7 F5JTU-8 JTU09  
FPAC Nodes:
  F6GGY-7  2080,847502  FRA  JN04IL  MONFLANQUIN
  F5JTU-8  2080,909501  FRA  JN02TW  Prat d'Albis

Routes to        Which Quality Obsolescence Port   Neighbour
 JTU09:F5JTU-2   >     192     5            3      F5JTU-2

P command gives the list and description of available ports.

F6FBB-10 (Commands = ?) : P
Port   Description
0      (F6BEX-9) UHF  9600 Bds Full Duplex
1      (LOCAL  ) VHF  1200 Bds Simplex
2      (LOCAL  ) UHF  9600 Bds Simplex
3      (F5JTU-9) UHF  2400 Bds Full Duplex
4      (F6FBB-9) Kiss 9600 Bds Full Duplex
5      (F6FBB-9) Ethernet axip Full Duplex

R command gives all information on addresses and the routing table.

F6FBB-10 (Commands = ?) : R
2080,931102  2080,931202  2080,931602  

Address      Port    Description
2080,931302  0       (F6BEX-9) UHF  9600 Bds Full Duplex
2080,931402  5       (F6FBB-9) Ethernet axip Full Duplex

DNIC Address Adjacent
2080,8.....  F6BEX-9  
2080,7.....  F5JTU-9  
2080,6.....  F6BEX-9  
2080,5.....  F6BEX-9  
2080,4.....  F6BEX-9  
2080,3.....  F6BEX-9  
2080,2.....  F6BEX-9  
2080,1.....  F6BEX-9  
2080,982...  F6BEX-9  
2080,981...  F6BEX-9  
2080,966...  F5JTU-9  
2080,965...  F6BEX-9  
2080,946...  F6BEX-9  
2080,934...  F5JTU-9  
2080,930...  F5JTU-9  
2080,911...  F5JTU-9  
2080,909...  F5JTU-9  
2080,981501  F5JTU-9  
2080,931503  F6FBB-9  
2080,931203  F6FBB-9  
2080,931501  F6BEX-9  
2080,931201  F6BEX-9  
2080,909502  F6BEX-9  
2080,909202  F6BEX-9  

S command gives a status on the LINUX and FPAC resources

F6FBB-10 (Commands = ?) : s
System time      : Thu Sep 24 19:57:55 1998
Hostname         : fpac
Operating system : Linux 2.0.35 (i486)
Uptime           : 2 hours 6 minutes
Load average     : 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
Memory           :  6568 KB available,  3920 KB used,  2648 KB free
Swap             : 31128 KB available,  1324 KB used, 29804 KB free

L2 Users         : 7
FPAC L3 Users    : 2
FPAC L3 Transits : 1
FPAC adjacents   : 3
FPAC Routes      : 24
FPAC White Pages : 800

ST command gives the statistics of the ROSE/FPAC trunks. This is not a built-in command. It displays the contents of the files updated by fpacstat application.

F6FBB-10 (Commands = ?) : st
Current hour statistics - Starting date : Thu Sep 24 19:56:56 1998

   Adjacent  data-size qual i-frame     rr  rnr  rej sabm disc   ua   dm
to F6FBB-9           0   0%       0      2    0    0    0    0    0    0
fm F6FBB-9           0            0      2    0    0    0    0    0    0

to F6BEX-9         446 100%      18     20    0    0    0    0    0    0
fm F6BEX-9         711           19     13    0    0    0    0    0    0

to F5JTU-9        1453  65%      18      6    0    0    0    0    0    0
fm F5JTU-9         181           11     18    0    0    0    0    0    0

Last 24 hours statistics - Starting date : Wed Sep 23 19:56:56 1998

   Adjacent  data-size qual i-frame     rr  rnr  rej sabm disc   ua   dm
to F6FBB-9         375 100%      11     29    0    0    1    0    0    0
fm F6FBB-9         258           12     34    0    0    0    0    1    0

to F6BEX-9      183597  99%    1298    713    0    0    1    0    0    0
fm F6BEX-9       21304          682    854    0   22    0    0    1    0

to F5JTU-9       29544  74%     470    427    0   11    2    0    0    1
fm F5JTU-9       57445          438    470    0    1    0    0    2    0

U command gives the list of users on the ROSE/FPAC system

F6FBB-10 (Commands = ?) : u
Users - AX.25 L2 Sessions :
Port   Callsign     Callsign  State
0      F6BEX-9   -> F6FBB-11  Connected   
5      F6FBB-9   -> F6FBB-11  Connected   
3      F5JTU-9   -> F6FBB-11  Connected   
1      F1AMY-7   -> F6FBB-1   Recovery    
1      F1BIS-1   -> F6FBB-1   Connected   
5      F6FBB-14  -> F6HRW-8   Disconnected
5      F6FBB-14  -> F6FBB-10  Connected   

Users - X.25 L3 Sessions :
Callsign  DNIC addr   Callsign  DNIC addr   LCI Adjacent    State
F6HRW-8   2080,847503 F6FBB-14  2080,931402 032 (F6BEX-9)   Disconnected
F6DSP-1   2080,911301 F6FBB-1   2080,931502 001 (F5JTU-9)   Connected   

Users - X.25 L3 Transits :
Callsign  DNIC addr   LCI Adjacent   Callsign  DNIC addr   LCI Adjacent
F6KRQ-3   2080,931501 003 (F6BEX-9)  F5UHX-3   2080,934401 030 (F5JTU-9)

SYS command switches to SYSOP mode

F6FBB-10 (Commands = ?) : SYS
F6FBB-10> 5 2 8 19 3 [0906667192]

F6FBB-10 (Commands = ?) : ?
?, Alias, BBs, Bye, CLu, Connect, Help, Info, Links, Mheard
Nodes, Ports, Routes, STat, Status, SYSop, Telnet, Users, Wp, CAT

F6FBB-10 (Commands = ?) : 

W command gives access to the FPAC white pages database.

F6FBB-10 (Commands = ?) : w
Usage: wp [-acdnrl nb] callsign
options :
  n = nodes only
  l = max number of answers
sort by :
  a address
  c callsign (default)
  d date
  r reverse

F6FBB-10 (Commands = ?) :  w f6hrw
FPAC White Pages database : 800 callsigns
F6HRW-0   22/09/98 08:30 => 2080 847503   
F6HRW-1   22/09/98 21:26 => 2080 847401   
F6HRW-12  22/09/98 20:08 => 2080 847401   
F6HRW-3   22/09/98 20:08 => 2080 847503   
F6HRW-8   21/09/98 15:45 => 2080 847503  Node JN04IK VILLENEUVE/LOT

F6FBB-10 (Commands = ?) : w F6HRW-1
FPAC White Pages database : 800 callsigns
F6HRW-1   22/09/98 21:26 => 2080 847401   

F6FBB-10 (Commands = ?) : w -dl5 *
FPAC White Pages database : 800 callsigns
F6DEV-1   24/09/98 21:48 => 2080 981502   
F5PHI-2   24/09/98 21:37 => 2080 982501   
F6BEX-0   24/09/98 19:00 => 2080 931501   
F5NXB-0   24/09/98 17:47 => 2080 981502   
F6CDD-0   24/09/98 16:44 => 2080 931501   

F6FBB-10 (Commands = ?) : w -nl4 *
FPAC White Pages database : 800 callsigns
F5JTU-8   18/07/98 12:14 => 2080 909501  Node JN02TW Prat d'Albis
F5KBQ-5   01/09/98 19:14 => 2080 981501  Node JN13CO Castres
F6BEX-8   13/08/98 19:30 => 2080 931501  Node JN03RM Rebigue
F6FBB-10  24/07/98 13:59 => 2080 931502  Node JN03QL Roquettes

2.3 fpacshell

fpacshell opens a LINUX shell session to the user, normally in sysop mode. This session is opened mostly for maintenance with root priviledges.

For safety reasons a password accepting plain text, NetRom key or MD2/MD5 key is provided.

fpacshell is run from the command or sysop section of the FPAC configuration file. See Sysop section.

2.4 fpacstat

fpacstat is the statistics applications. It computes the traffic statistics of the trunks (L3 links between switches) and updates each minute a last-hour file /var/ax25/fpac/fpacstat.dat and each hour a last-day file /var/ax25/fpac/

These files can be read at any time and sent to the user.

The "-c" option writes <CR> characters instead of <LF> to be compatible with the packet radio protocole in which <CR> characters are used as end of line.

2.5 fpacwpd

fpacwpd is the white pages database server daemon. It will answer to any local or remote query. The database is stored in /var/ax25/fpac/fpacwp2.dat.

To get a report on this server, only connect WP via ROSE/L3 and type ":". The server will dump its current status. Type return to end the connection.

*** Connecting WP-0 @ 2080,931501
*** Connection done
:WP Server version 1.5
:Node F6BEX-9 @ 2080,931501
:Database (records) : size=896 used=812
:Client Callsign  Address     Type   Dirty
:     6 WP-0      2080,931502 Server 0
:     7 WP-0      2080,981502 Server 0
:     8 WP-0      2080,982501 Server 0
:     9 F6FBB-14  2080,931402 User   0
:Adjacent-Name    Callsign  Address      State
:Roquettes        F6FBB-11  2080,931502  connected #6 #dirty=0
:Rabastens        F8BK-9    2080,981502  connected #7 #dirty=0
:Montauban        F5FVC-9   2080,982501  connected #8 #dirty=0
:=== End ===

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